Monday, December 3, 2012

Pinterest as Education: Part II

In my last post, I said pinterest allows you to connect to other, much larger blogs that handle the topic on a greater scale.  Some of my favorites include women's fitness, diets, decor, or home improvement.

I was introduced to the following blogs by Pinterest: is a series of entries on blogspot written by a woman and her husband as they use DIY ideas to improve their home.  They repurpose old scales, mason jars, and windows; age wood for door frames and beat-up thrift store furniture; and reupholster pillows and furniture for pennies on the dollar. is a website dealing with DIY crafts for a wedding that won't break the bank.  Where I'm not planning my wedding any time soon, some of the ideas for centerpieces and bouquets make great vases and decorative additions to my living room or kitchen table. brings together posters' personal techniques for skin care, make-up, and hair care.  It is here I found the Acne Miracle Mask: a mixture of honey, nutmeg, and milk left on the face for 20 minutes and washed off in the shower.  After about an hour of shredding my own nutmeg (I needed 2 Tbsp and only had the nuts), it worked wonders.  From further exploring this site, I found treatments for shinier hair (olive oil and honey heated up to near-boiling and left on the hair for 20 minutes, then rinsed in the shower) which also works really well, and a way to get whiter nails after using dark nail polish involving peroxide and baking soda. I know what you're thinking. Really? What could she possibly have to offer.  Actually, quite a bit.  I took part in her Shape Up: My 7 Days to Skinny Jeans Plan and it worked so well.  I lost almost 4 pounds in a week! She gives you several recipes to choose from in addition to a workout every day and in a week, I started to tone up and lose weight.  Also, from her recipes, I came up with my own; careful, like hers, to stay away from pastas and breads.  Her blog also talks about what to wear for your shape, tips on how to do your make-up, and how to eat for a healthy mind and healthy body.

Pinners can pick any one of these sites and introduce you to a post.  It is up to you to find one you like and educate yourself on what you find fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. Pinterest is full of people who are passionate about beautiful objects, design, quality and visual appealing photos and images.Thanks for your informative post.

    Ron James
    Get Pinterest Followers
